I am drawn each Thanksgiving to spend at least a little time remembering that I have been fortunate to partner with one of the best Teaching Pros in Tennessee – Des Mahoney.

About 3 years ago we started our collaboration, and I think it has been valuable from both ends. I have learned a lot about the golf swing from watching his teaching, and I think he has learned a lot about the value of precision clubfitting from my work with my clients.

We have a number of folks that we work with together. A great way to truly improve your golf game.

I have also watched Des show folks how to improve their physical abilities with appropriate stretching. This is a hidden strength of many if not all of the folks on the PGA Tour…..I believe most see how much good stretching can help them to optimize their golf swings. Des has taught me a number of stretches that at a minimum improve some of the back issues I have, and that I think will ultimately help me to hit the ball further.

Another strength that Des has is his love of teaching young players. And his understanding that to if you want to become a good player, a great way to achieve that is to have an indoor net and hit balls into the net. There are no shortcuts to developing a good repeatable golf swing.

We have a great teaching/fitting partnership – maybe one of the best in Tennessee! Thanks again Des.
