This weekend I had the chance to see Des work with a young boy who has a BEAUTIFUL swing. If he continues to be interested in golf, has fun in the process of improving, and finds a way to get to practice and improve, he has the potential to be a pretty good player.

For someone like this who is truly showing an interest in playing golf, getting clubs that truly fit him can make a big difference. His present clubs are very light, and so he has to adapt to them. Practicing this great swing with clubs that he does not have to adapt to can keep him on the way to developing and improving the good swing habits he now has.
Tonight is a really neat night in the golf world of Oak Ridge, TN. Scott Stallings from Oak Ridge, playing in the PGA Qualifying Tournament – 6 rounds of golf – made the PGA tour for 2011. It was exciting to get to see this achievement happen for him, and all the best for his hopefully the first of many years on the PGA tour!!