Wintertime is often the time when many people get their clubs regripped. Certainly if you play golf at least once a week a yearly regripping is good practice – having a good hold on your golf clubs is important to hitting good golf shots. And even if you do not play a lot of golf, playing with clubs that have good grips is a good investment.
I love regripping clubs because I often take the opportunity to determine club specifications when I regrip them. I can determine club weights, lengths, swingweights, butt flexes, lofts, and lie angles when I regrip clubs. Often – more often than not – I learn things about a client’s golf clubs that can ultimately help their golf games. Some examples are club flexes either much higher or lower than expected, clubs that are not the right length, and clubs that have lower or higher lofts than expected.
I believe that everyone who is in any way serious about their golf game deserves to know the specs of their tools.
So, I make this offer to you reading this post……..if you come to me to get your clubs regripped during the winter months, in addition to regripping them I will determine key club specifications and let you know the results! All you have to do is let me know you read this blog post…..