Emerson happens to be my #1 grandson at this time (I am sure many of you have a similar grandson). He turns 2 years old in two weeks.

The debate is – do I get him his first real set of golf clubs this birthday? And the answer is pretty easy to guess…..of course I do. Not totally sure when he will REALLY first use them though I will help him some when I see him at his birthday party.

A well kept secret in terms of golf clubs for children is AccuLength golf clubs (www.acculength.com). These clubs are unique because they are designed to be able to expand in length up to 4 inches – by adding individual 1 inch shaft pieces that can be epoxied into a specially designed shaft. They sell four different types of golf club sets, that allow clubs to be fit for length for children from 3 feet tall to 5 foot 4 inches tall. The set that will work best for Emerson is the AL500, which comes with a 24 degree wood, a pitching wedge, and a putter. Quite enough for a normal 2 year old don’t you think?

I am not sure Emerson will be ready quite yet to play in a group with his dad and two granddads…..but might as well get him thinking along those lines. And………..I will try to keep his dad happy by including some soft golf ball substitutes…….to keep the windows in the house from intercepting golf balls!

Grandkid’s are the BEST!
