My youngest son David (a bomber, about 115 mph swing speed who I am fitting for a new driver this weekend) bought me a wonderful new tool for my fitting business – a USB microscope. Many of my clubfitting friends are now using this to show their friends and customers how they can improve their wedge games by getting the right kinds of wedges in their bags.
The picture I show in this blog post is a USB microscope picture of the face of a Wishon PCF Micro wedge face. Notice how sharp the groove edges are and also notice the rough wedge face as the result of the CNC milling that has been done to the face. Wedges with these kinds of grooves and milled faces can help players to easily spin the ball and stop it quickly on short wedge shots – even from lies in the rough. One of my good friends has SMT Durometer wedges with these kinds of grooves and faces, and I have seen him stop 30 yard wedge shots from the rough with only a few feet of roll (again taking money out of my pocket by making par!).
I am looking forward to using this new tool a lot over the coming months to show golfers what some of the improvement opportunities are available for them by getting the right kinds of wedges in their bags. If you are at my Centenial golf fitting center some Saturday in the near future (or want to make an appointment) let me take a picture of your wedge faces and see if they look like the face shown above.
Happy New Year!