by awright201 | Sep 26, 2011 | Blog Posts
There is an old addage that making Assumptions “makes an a.. out of you.” In true custom clubfitting, and in the purchase of any golf clubs, there is an appropriate role for assumptions but also there are areas where assumptions can hurt the golfer and...
by awright201 | Sep 19, 2011 | Blog Posts
Today we had new granite countertops put onto the cabinets in our kitchen. The guys that did this were REAL pros, it was fun to watch them work (well, not too much watching, I stayed out of their way). To create a seam that is almost impossible to see, they used a...
by awright201 | Sep 12, 2011 | Blog Posts
This morning I received one of those notes that clubfitters just love to get. A month or so ago I reshafted a driver for a female golfer, and she sent me the following message today….. Tony, I am your greatest advocate. I just shot a 79 yesterday!! My...
by awright201 | Sep 5, 2011 | Blog Posts
Recently I reviewed some data on “custom” driver fitting results. The data in the information included a number of fitting results that were in my view less than optimum and less that You Deserve from True Custom Clubfitting. If you are being fit for a...
by awright201 | Aug 29, 2011 | Blog Posts
It would be interesting of some organization did a survey of golfers to find out how many of them know the actual specifications of their golf clubs. I would be willing to bet that much less than 25% of all golfers have any idea of what the Actual specs of their...
by awright201 | Aug 22, 2011 | Blog Posts
Last week I wrote my August Clubfitting newsletter (about to get past ones archived on my web site!) and as part of that I found a Truly excellent video that describes the “Ball Flight Laws” – what actually causes the golf ball to travel in the nine...
by awright201 | Aug 15, 2011 | Blog Posts
My nephew came to visit this weekend and we had a plan for me to fit him for a set of clubs. He has not played a lot of golf and I worked with him some today on his Swing Fundamentals – grip, posture, alignment, and ball position. He was having some success...
by awright201 | Aug 8, 2011 | Blog Posts
The more I work with a variety of golfers to do custom fittings, the more I am totally convinced that there is more to True Success than the knowledge that I personally have about golf clubs and club performance. At every point in a successful fitting, the player...
by awright201 | Aug 1, 2011 | Blog Posts
Keith Chatham is one of those truly great clubfitters – he does his stuff in Kerryville, Texas. He has won many honors, and when he speaks we all listen.Recently I found a post he did on the Tom Wishon clubmaker forum that was inspiring and I think something...
by awright201 | Jul 25, 2011 | Blog Posts
Anyone being “fit” for a set of golf clubs should, I believe, have some expectations on what a superior clubfitting experience will include. Here are some of the things that I believe you should anticipate would happen if you are being truly fit for golf...