by awright201 | Jun 15, 2010 | Blog Posts
I have done a pretty large number of driver fittings in the last month or so. In doing these, I have realized that it is important to set appropriate expectations for what can and cannot be accomplished in driver fittings.There is no question that everyone would love...
by awright201 | Jun 8, 2010 | Blog Posts
Thanks to Dana Upshaw today for posting (through AGCP forum) this link that summarizes the key types of ball flight that are possible – what have been called the “Ball Flight Laws:” article discusses...
by awright201 | Jun 1, 2010 | Blog Posts
First things first though! – We spent the weekend with our grandson Emerson and his mom and dad this weekend, and I realized a little while ago that I did not write a blog post last night…..first time I forgot in about a year. I guess watching Emerson...
by awright201 | May 25, 2010 | Blog Posts
Tonight I thought I would pass on some advice on making sure your clubs can be kept in good condition. In the summer months particularly, you should not leave your golf clubs in your car trunk. You may not think that temperatures can get high enough in your trunk to...
by awright201 | May 18, 2010 | Blog Posts
I thought I would share a few putting tidbits tonight – at least some things that have resonated well with me lately.First, today I received an email noting that Yes Golf (maker of a well know putter that is being used by a number of touring pros) are offering a...
by awright201 | May 10, 2010 | Blog Posts
I have been working for about a month to get my newest piece of equipment working – a Golftek V Swing Analyzer. This Saturday I put it through some final testing paces and it works well – and I can now use it for some neat measurments to improve future...
by awright201 | May 3, 2010 | Blog Posts
I was fortunate that two of my clients recently wrote great testimonials on the clubs I built for them. For me, this is like extra pay – it is great to have someone say that they really love what you do for them. What got me thinking a bit more about these...
by awright201 | Apr 26, 2010 | Blog Posts
There has been a lot of discussion on the AGCP forum posts this week in terms of OEM golf clubs – in terms of their quality and whether clubfitters like to reshaft OEM clubs for players or use other great heads – like those from Wishon, Alpha, Infiniti,...
by awright201 | Apr 19, 2010 | Blog Posts
One of the kinds of emails that I truly enjoy receiving is when someone fills out the “Personal Golf Club Evaluation” form on the home page of my web site. Every week or so I get one of these evaluations from folks I do not know, and it I think is a good...
by awright201 | Apr 12, 2010 | Blog Posts
Great Masters this week, and Phil certainly deserved to win. Eagle, eagle, birdie…..amazing!Watching these guys on TV, though, it is surprising how often they hit it into the trees. There has been a lot of discussion today on the AGCP forum that perhaps some of...