by awright201 | Jan 25, 2010 | Blog Posts
My higher power and I will be leaving for Florida tomorrow for a few days. To get her some good relaxing time, and to get me a day at the PGA merchandise show. First time I will go there. Also will get to do a Demo Day with the ACCRA shaft folks. So that is all for...
by awright201 | Jan 18, 2010 | Blog Posts
Almost everyone who I have done a fitting for lately has received some significant benefits from identifying the right weight feel for their clubs. And it does not go one way only – sometimes adding more weight is the key, sometimes reducing weight is what makes...
by awright201 | Jan 11, 2010 | Blog Posts
The most important club in a golfer’s bag is the putter. Getting the right balance and feel in a putter can make all of the difference between being able to sink 3 footers and roll long putts well. And if the putter does not have the right feel and you do not...
by awright201 | Jan 4, 2010 | Blog Posts
I am beginning to wonder what that average golfer out there is, particularly in terms of the right lengths of clubs for him/her to play.If I look over the fittings I have done in the past few months, I would say that “average” length clubs do not fit at...
by awright201 | Dec 29, 2009 | Blog Posts
On the home page for my web site, I pose the question “Does It Matter?” – do professionally fitted clubs really make a difference in how people play golf.This year I was able to help people answer that question YES when I built clubs to fit their...
by awright201 | Dec 21, 2009 | Blog Posts
I watched the ReMax long drive championship tonight – it was on ESPN on Sunday and I recorded it. Probably got in trouble with the boss since I was really focused on watching this.As always, what a great show! 360 plus drives from Seniors and Super Seniors, 400...
by awright201 | Dec 14, 2009 | Blog Posts
I recently built four Scratch demo wedges particularly so a new client could test them. We did this testing today and he liked the playability of all of them. But he particularly liked the “Driver/Slider” grind with a KBS R flex wedge shaft. It was fun to...
by awright201 | Dec 8, 2009 | Blog Posts
Emerson happens to be my #1 grandson at this time (I am sure many of you have a similar grandson). He turns 2 years old in two weeks. The debate is – do I get him his first real set of golf clubs this birthday? And the answer is pretty easy to guess…..of...
by awright201 | Dec 1, 2009 | Blog Posts
This year for the first time I have had some pangs of guilt related to leaving for Thanksgiving – because I had to slow down some club builds for good clients. All in all guess this is a good thing, because it means my business is building as I have planned...
by awright201 | Nov 24, 2009 | Blog Posts
Some of my Giving Thanks areas this year related to clubfitting and clubmaking….1. Getting to partner with Des Mahoney at Centenial. Des is a superb golf teacher, and advocate of my clubfitting efforts, and a great friend. Two years ago when I first had the...