First things first though! – We spent the weekend with our grandson Emerson and his mom and dad this weekend, and I realized a little while ago that I did not write a blog post last night…..first time I forgot in about a year. I guess watching Emerson attempt to hit golf balls distracted me from getting on the computer last night!
It is going to be a busy driver testing and fitting week – one test session and two fitting sessions coming up. I am actually adding two great test heads to my fitting clubs – the Alpha V5 LX head and the SMT 455 DB head. Club Conex Faz Fit fittings to use with my present group of test shafts. Am also making up two new 44-1/2 inch test shafts to fill in some holes in test shaft group.
In addition to collecting data launch monitor and video fitting data (and using the BMT shaft fitting system for choosing the right driver shaft) a workhorse for driver fittings is the Optimal Flight software ( Optimal Flight takes the launch monitor data to another level of usefulness – it allows me to do a lot of “what if”” projections in terms of what launch angles and ball spin rates can produce the best driver results. It also has the capability to do Real Time collection of the launch monitor data so that I can evaluate how changes in launch parameters can improve results.
Today I purchased the 2010 version of the software – well, most likely just the first version this year, because the developer Todd Koss is great at updating Optimal Flight on an almost continual basis. He is going to help me with learning how to use some of the new capabilities of the new release – so that I can do a first test drive on Thursday night.
If you ever want to get a sense for what this software does, you can in fact purchase a 1 week license to use it and give it a thorough test drive. Or you can come to Centenial some time and let me show you the capabilities that it has. It is a First Class piece of software that is invaluable for driver fittings.