I have been working for about a month to get my newest piece of equipment working – a Golftek V Swing Analyzer. This Saturday I put it through some final testing paces and it works well – and I can now use it for some neat measurments to improve future fittings.
This Golftek V – using an array of sensors – can measure club swing path and club face angle at impact. It can also measure swing speed and ball speed and a few other parameters.
The reason I purchased this was to be able to make quality measurements of club swing path and club face angle at impact. Now in my fittings I will be able to see the impact of changing things like MOI/swingweight and club shaft weight on these – and so be able to do more detailed and effective fitting to improve player ball striking.
For the next few weeks, if anyone who reads this post is interested in hitting about 10 shots with the Golftek – perhaps drivers and 6 irons – and seeing some data on their swing path and face angle at impact – let me know and I will arrange a time to get together with you to do this. I will not be at Centenial this Saturday (playing in local golf tournament) but can arrange another time to allow you to get your “10 swings” in and see what the results are!