I thought I would share a few putting tidbits tonight – at least some things that have resonated well with me lately.
First, today I received an email noting that Yes Golf (maker of a well know putter that is being used by a number of touring pros) are offering a free DVD on the key elements of great putting. I am not sure how long these will be available, but if you read this note you might want to go to www.yesgolf.com and see if you can order one. No cost for this, I think all they are interested in would be getting your email address.
Putting is more of interest to me today than normal, because yesterday I had the best putting day I have EVER had. I played our club Member-Member tournament with my best golf buddy (as usual) this weekend. The second day of the event is always 9 holes scramble 9 holes alternate shot – we shot 1 over par which is pretty good for this format, and we won the overall event in our flight. As to my putting, I think I made 3 long putts and at least 4 putts in the 5 to 6 foot range. I attribute this to a number of connected things….
1. I believe my putter fits me perfectly. Right length and lie angle. I have an “Opti Vibe” weight down the shaft and this optimizes the feel of the putter for me.
2. A few months ago I read what I think is the best book on putting I have ever read – Dave Stockton’s “Putt to Win.” I particularly like his thought to pick a very specific target to roll the ball over.
3. Finally, confidence which has been building for the past few rounds. I feel like my setup has been great and I have a chance to make ever long putt I am looking at.
I hope some of the info. in this post might be helpful to you in your efforts to drain lots of putts!