At the end of a very long day-job day, it was wonderful today to get a phone call from my latest client. I finished building him a set of irons this weekend (with some delay due to a frustrating 2+ hour power outage in my neighborhood….). He said he absolutely loved the clubs. Hit them great. Good distance. Good feel.

As someone who takes a lot of pride in clubfitting and clubmaking, this is the kind of call I always hope for, and even to some extent expect – since I believe I have done a great job for the people I build clubs for. And STILL………I am always a little nervous when I hand over a new set of clubs to someone and say “let me know how they work…..”

To me, this is the ultimate in how professional clubfitting and clubmaking is different than buying clubs in a store. I guarantee what I do will work and provide great results. I do not really think that golfers get the same kind of guarantee – and most likely get no guarantee – when they buy clubs in a store.

Clubs that are truly made for you – how can that get any better!
