I got to read the latest Golf Digest this weekend, there was a good article related to Hank Haney and his relationship with Tiger – worth reading.

The part I remembered most is that Haney said that when Tiger was hitting the ball furthest he was playing a 43 inch driver…. And that now he is playing a 44 inch driver. This info. is for sure food for thought about driver length and whether most of mortals should be playing the 45 and 46 inch drivers you can buy in stores. I have been playing a 44 inch driver for at least a year, and there is no noticeable difference in how far I hit the ball.

The other “driver” item that I have run into twice this weekend relates to face angles of 460 degree drivers. Twice this weekend I was with players who I believe are playing drivers with about 2 degree closed face angle. Both can draw the ball pretty easily – and so the closed face is exactly what they do NOT need to hit the ball well. Closed face drivers have come from the fact that 460 cc driver heads are hard to close by lots of players – so a “fix” for this in drivers in stores is to sell drivers with closed faces – for the “masses.” If you are looking to buy a new driver, it might be a good idea to be careful you know what you are REALLY getting and be sure it is right for you – it is a shame to pay a lot for a driver that will not work for your swing.
