Well we had another great AGCP Roundtable this past week. It started with a Demo Day last Wednesday and then 3 days of presentations and interactions with AGCP sponsors who attended the meetings. More than 60 AGCP members attended and there were excellent presentations on key elements of clubfitting including how to fit golfers who have disabilities, on the influence of metallurgy on the ability to bend iron heads, on how some important elements of installing grips on golf clubs, and business basics for clubfitting business development, on how to organize clubfitting websites, and on the key interactions between clubfitting and golf instruction (and more).
From the standpoint of readers of this blog, here are some tidbits that I hope might help your golf games….
1. If you ever the chance to get an evaluation of your putting stroke with the SAM PuttLab, I highly recommend it. This is the Cadillac of putter stroke diagnostics, and it provides some great insights into how you might improve your putting stroke. And you might also want to check out “The Putting Doctor” website – Glenn Combs has a simple process for improving putting that is well worth the investment.
2. A good resource discussed for tracking your golf game shots and identifying areas for improvement is the LinxTracker…. website of the same name.
3. Back to putting, an overlooked area that could lead to improvement is simply to determine if your grip has been put on straight so that you can square up the clubface. You might visually look at your grip and if it is not on straight get your putter regripped.
4. Again back to putting……a way to get an initial check on the effectiveness of your stroke is to simply check if you are aiming the putter on line……and if you are hitting the ball on the sweet spot of the putter.
5. From the standpoint of getting effective help with your golf swing, finding a teacher who focuses on the fundamentals is very important.
By far the best part of the Roundtable happened at the end. Tom Wishon from Tom Wishon Golf Technology gave a 2 hour presentation on what he has learned from 40 years of working in the golf business. He discussed many things – including that almost all drivers that people buy off the rack are too long – but the key thing was something he said at the end and that needs to be emphasized over and over again…..
Custom Built Golf Clubs Are The Best Golf Clubs
That You Will Ever Play With.