Thanks to so many people who helped make the launch of "The Fit Is IT!!" successful!

Teaming Together For Golfing Success!

by AndyRobertsPhotos under CC BY  with WPSEOPix

Today is the last day of the Amazon promotion for my Kindle eBook "The Fit Is IT!! How Custom Club Fitting Matters to YOUR Golfing Dreams."  The promotion ends this evening.  Writing the eBook and doing the promotion have been such an amazing learning experience!


The first learning experience is about conquering fear.  Fear of writing a Kindle eBook and putting it out there for the entire world to read, like or dislike.  I am not sure in my 63 years I have ever experienced something close to the feeling of wondering what people would think about what I wrote.  The fact that all of the reviews so far – both those posted on and those sent directly to me by people who I really admire and whose opinions I value – have been positive is pleasing.  


At the same time, I did not write the eBook with an eye for what the reviews would be.  I wrote it because it felt like something that needed to be said, and something that could help golfers understand that custom fitting can truly help them play better golf.


The second learning experience was the amazing value of collaboration.  I have spent a LOT of time this weekend on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Google+ letting folks know about the promotion.  And I appreciate all of their responses and interest in downloading the eBook.  There are so many opportunities now to connect with others who have the same interest as you do – and I appreciate the folks on these Social Media platforms showing an interest in the eBook.


I also see, particularly by watching the "traffic" in Twitter posts, how many people in the golfing industry want to work together and learn from each other to help golfers play their best golf.  This is inspiring.


I also have to say how much I appreciate everyone in the Assn. of Golf Club Fitting Professionals (AGCP) – whose expertise and willingness to share their expertise had a major role in the opportunity to even consider writing this eBook.  I have and continue to learn so much from all of the AGCP members.  Each and every one of them is totally committed to helping golfers play their best golf.


One of the AGCP members today said to me, in an email, that "Your work will impact the whole golf industry for those who are willing to learn."  Those are kind words – but what I really hope is that golfers will take the chance to read the eBook, and to keep an open mind about the potential they have – through custom fitting – to play the golf they dream of playing.


The Fit Is IT!!
