Thanks to Dana Upshaw today for posting (through AGCP forum) this link that summarizes the key types of ball flight that are possible – what have been called the “Ball Flight Laws:”

This article discusses the nine ball flight types, which are…

Pull hook
Pull fade or slice
Draw or hook
Fade or slice
Push draw
Push fade or slice

The article rightly notes some suggested swing thoughts and changes that can help a player to stop a particular type of flight. It also discusses the influence of shaft flex, shaft weight, grip size, lie angle, and grip size on these different ball flights.

The article rightly shows that “straight” shots are produced when the club travels from inside the target line to square at impact to back inside the target line.

In my view grip size is not likely to be a great contributor to the type of ball flight a player produces. Lie angle and shaft flex can make some contribution to which type of ball flight can be produced, and definitely should be evaluated. Shaft weight can have a major influence on swing path, and club swingweight/MOI can have a major influence on the club face angle relative to the swing path.

So what is your predominant ball flight?
